Poetry Straight From The Heart !

Welcome To A Collection Of My Opinions, Views And Observations In Poetry Form.

Some may disagree with my views and some may be offended by what I write, that is of course your prerogative.


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All Poems Are Composed By And Therefore The Property Of Smackemback

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Extinction !

As we look to the future
It’s not difficult to see
That one day man will disappear
But it won’t be down to me

You can try to blame my generation
And the ones that came before
But take a look at who’s to blame
For the reaper knocking at the door

It won’t be down to pollution
Or Co2 in the atmosphere
It’ll be down cowardly people
And a generation raised on fear

First will come the invasion
From the Barbarians in the East
As the feminised men of Europe
Cower before the Muslim beast

Vaccine mandates & lockdowns
To make you stay at home
The West will be the first to fall
As they go the way of Rome

The Middle East will be the next to fall
I believe this much is true
Cos they’ll turn on one another
Once they stop trying to blame the Jew

Next it will be Asia
As the Red threat there still looms
It won’t be quick but it will come
Cos Communism consumes

Lastly will be Africa
Where began all human life
Where Corruption is a daily thing
And the violence just runs rife

You may think that I am talking shit
I truly hope I am
But I won’t care, I won’t be here
When Mankind finally “Kicks The Can !”

Smackemback 08/02/24

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