Poetry Straight From The Heart !

Welcome To A Collection Of My Opinions, Views And Observations In Poetry Form.

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All Poems Are Composed By And Therefore The Property Of Smackemback

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The Pattern !

A Pattern is emerging
It’s getting easier to see
How these people destroy the ones they hate
And with whom they disagree

It started many years ago
And recently we’ve had a few peeks
With accusations of sexual assault
Against the founder of Wikileaks

Next on the list, was Snowdon
Who pointed out the rot
Now he’s public enemy number one
And the one they need to stop

Russel Brand it seems is on the list
With accusations from years ago
I’m not saying he hasn’t been a dick
But a rapist ?…… I don’t know ?

Trump of course is top of the list
You know, the man they love to hate
With accusations of every kind
All the way from racism & fraud to rape !

It’s funny how all these accusations
Never saw the light of day
Until of course they opposed the Corrupt
Now they want to “make them pay”

It’s not just men that are on the list
There’s women on there too
There’s Roseanne Barr who told a joke
Which landed her in the poo

JK Rowling is also on the list
And is now hated around the Earth
Why is that, you may well ask ?
Cos now, they say that she’s a TERF !

Riley Gains is another woman on the list
That gets the these people pissed
She pointed out biology
So they want her views dismissed

Of course Tommy Robinson
Is on there too, the one they locked away
It doesn’t matter if he tells the truth
They just dismiss what he has to say

And let’s not forget Larry Elder
They just won’t let him be
What was it that they called him ?
“The Black Face of White Supremacy “

If you dare to oppose their corruption
Or get any of them pissed
They’ll try their best to ruin your life
Once they have you on their list !

So when you find yourself being targeted
By the Corrupt & the Morons on the Left
Be proud & hold your head up high
And know you’ve done your best !

Smackemback 17/12/23

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